We have been providing services to the agricultural industry for several years. We are experienced in designing and manufacturing special conveyors to customer specifications. This conveyor is used to transport straw/hay bales. It can also be used to transport many other goods. Solutions for the agricultural industry require a customised approach. We manufacture equipment, machinery and conveyors based on the customer’s design and create designs according to the customer’s specifications.
At Gipo, we specialize in customizing equipment and conveyors to meet each customer’s unique needs, providing the optimal solution for smoothly transporting all goods. We manufacture single units and fulfill serial orders of conveyors. We match the conveyor to an existing solution or to a newly created project.
At Gipo, we design entire transport processes and integrate equipment into existing transport lines. According to the customer’s needs, we can carry out any project, including transport, installation, SAT and operator training.
Contact us for more information on this solution contact@gipo.eu
Gipo udfører underleverandør arbejde inden for metal forarbejdning.
Konstruktions stål, rustfrit stål og aluminium. Vi producerer maskindele og konstruktions elementer, men også hele maskiner og konstruktioner.
Vores kompetencer:
• CNC skærring og bukning • Svejsning
• CNC drejning • CNC fræsning
• Overflade behandling